
Thursday 31 May 2018

Cultural Significant of the Amazon

Image result for amazon rainforest

The people of the Amazon live in a Cultural Significant forest life. The rain forest
is a playground to the the children. The people of the Amazon rely on what they grow
and what they catch. Trees in the Amazon are busted down so there is access for the
cars and buses. It is also sold to the people to build their houses. A Lot of communities
disagree on the decision of cutting down the trees because a lot of Co2 is in the air and
it is bad for the environment because it could be bad news for the fishes in their rivers.
The kids travel to school on the river using a Canoe and the public uses the bus.

Thursday 24 May 2018

Geographically Significant Rainforest

Image result for amazon rainforest
Amazon Rain forest
The Amazon is Geographically Significant to be the Lungs of the pacific. The Amazon has second
longest river in the world. People these days use a lot of cars and travel from countries to countries
with planes. Anything with a engine releases Co2 into the air. Also the power station releases the most Co2 because it keeps everyone's power on and running.If there is not that much trees or no trees at all it mixes into the air and causes cyclones that can be terrible for the town. Another way to keep the air safe is saving power like turning off the lights and turning off the T.V if not being use can help the power station for not releasing too much Co2 and making it easier for our environment. The Rain forest is significant because the trees produce the oxygen and takes in all the negative air such as Co2.

Thursday 3 May 2018

My Significant Place: Wellsford

The place that is significant to me is Wellsford. It is significant to
me because it is the place of my old primary school. It was my first ever
school and I have a lot of memories of this place as it was the place where all my siblings went too.

Another  reason why this place is significant to me is because of my Family have live there for more
than twenty years. I went to school with them and had lots of fun memories with them as we were growing up
over the years. My cousins that live there has lived there for most of their lives in Wellsford and I don't think they
plan to leave.

A third reason why this place is significant to me is because Wellsford has the best Mcdonalds that

I have ever tasted in my life. Their service is very good.
I also used to enjoy playing at the park that was built right next to the Mcdonalds.